Looking as youthful and energetic as you feel doesn’t have to mean committing to surgical procedures and downtime. There are now many non-surgical solutions to common cosmetic concerns such as wrinkles, sun damage and even stubborn fat.
Take a look at some of the best medspa procedures that can be excellent alternatives to plastic surgery for these common concerns.
Reduce and Prevent Wrinkles
Lines and wrinkles are often some of the first signs of aging that show up on the skin. Fortunately, there are a number of non-surgical treatments that can not only help to smooth away lines and wrinkles but also help to prevent new ones from forming.
Injectables like BOTOX®, Dysport® and dermal fillers temporarily smooth away fine lines and wrinkles, while BOTOX has been shown to help prevent new wrinkles.
Other popular treatment options for wrinkles include laser, energy based treatments, and microneedling.
Improve Acne Scars and Sun Damage
Acne scars, dark spots, uneven skin tone and texture and other common skin blemishes can be resolved with popular procedures such as laser skin resurfacing, IPL skin rejuvenation, PRP treatments and Morpheus8 RF microneedling. Morpheus8 radiofrequency microneedling stimulates collagen to improve skin tone and texture, correct acne and acne scars, reduce pore size and much more.
Eliminate Stubborn Fat and Tighten Skin
Trimming stubborn, exercise-resistant fat, tightening loose skin and smoothing away cellulite don’t have to require surgery or extensive downtime. With non-invasive options like Evolve radiofrequency body contouring (no down time) and minimally invasive BodyTite radiofrequency skin tightening, you can get the smooth, sleek physique you’re after without committing to a more invasive surgical procedure.To learn more about these popular alternatives to plastic surgery or to schedule a consultation, call our Ann Arbor office at 734-971-0262 or contact us online today.